Cool Links

Here’s a bunch of cool places to look around online!

Windy & Wallflower

The online business I run with my partner that keeps what I do afloat! On top of making stories and comics, we also make lots of funky merch items like pins, blankets and keychains.

Winter Jay Kiakas

My partner in crime! Winter has their own website where they blog, post art and share their cool photography, that you should absolutely check out.

W&W Comics

A lot of the comics I talk about here are available to read online! For free! Yahoo! Most of them have their own website, and we have a spin-off on Webtoon!


There are places to support what I do, if you’d like! I’d sure appreciate it. The biggest support you can give is by buying from the store I linked above! But here are other ways, too:

“Hey Tas where can I follow you on social media” NOWHERE!!! I’m barely on that anymore!! This is it, baby! Take a look around or subscribe via RSS to my blog! That’s all I really got for you!

If you really want to keep up to date with what me (and my partner) are working on, you can also subscribe to the W&W newsletter here.

Other cool sites you should check out, because I certainly do!

Mycorrhiza’s Space (And read their webnovel, Earthshine!)
Helix Chamber
The Cryptodex
Mark Witton’s blog
Thomas Henry Huxley Paleozoological Gardens