The Lapeo Region is a Fakemon Region project.
The region itself is a small island that is actually devoid of any Pokemon at all–its inhabitants went extinct long ago. Recently, researchers have began excavating the fossils of the Pokemon that once roamed this land, and returning these long lost Pokemon back to life. This makes Lapeo entirely unique in that all the wild Pokemon are dug out and resurrected from fossils, rather than found roaming the long grass!
Due to Lapeo’s dedicated researchers, many new and exciting discoveries have been found from these rare fossils. On top of brand new Pokemon, they’ve also discovered new evolutions, new forms, and new related species of known Pokemon.
The purpose of this project has been to create a small scale Pokemon dex based entirely on prehistoric creatures and phenomena. Call it a mix of my two favourite things. It began in 2022 and has been slowly updating since.
Below is the current Lapeo Pokedex, something important to study if you wish to become an intrepid adventurer of the Lapeo Region! Happy reading!

Forest Floor Pokemon
Trilobud are small resilient Pokemon that keep to the undergrowths of forests. They often plant seeds in the little trails they leave as they walk.
Evolves into Eurypterra at level 14

Forest Floor Pokemon
Eurypterra are fierce protectors of the forests they live in, and can get very territorial—even with each other.
Evolves into Arthromotive at level 32

Millipede Pokemon
Arthromotive must always be moving. The gas it produces from its horn is a strange toxin that can be very dangerous.

Hot-Blooded Pokemon
Dimwick have such an intense body heat that it must expel flames from its back in order to keep its temperature regulated.
Evolves into Pyrapsid at level 16

Hot-Blooded Pokemon
The intense flames that burn in Pyrapsid’s body actually make it quite light, and in some cases it can even float.
Evolves into Baseppelin at level 36

Fire Whale Pokemon
Baseppelin maintains the height it flies by controlling the temperature of the fire burning in its body. This involves exhaling the fire through its nose.

Semi-Aquatic Pokemon
Sliktaalik is believed to be an early ancestor to many Pokemon. It still has trouble walking on its feet, and so will often slide around on its belly.
Evolves into Nothocean at level 16

Semi-Aquatic Pokemon
Nothocean tend to gather by the edge of the water, using the sharp teeth at the end of its snout to hold on to slippery prey.
Evolves into Spyrate at level 36

Pirate Pokemon
Spyrate are mischievous Pokemon who prowl the dark waters, sinking ships that enter their territories with the powerful blasts it fires from its mouth. They signal to each other with their sails.

Pterosaur Pokemon
Zapling is able to build the electricity in its body by flapping its wings. It stores excess electricity as static in its fur.
Evolves into Pteranimbus at level 28

Pterosaur Pokemon
During thunderstorms you can often find large flocks of Pteranimbus flying the skies. Its crest acts as a lightning rod, absorbing any lightning strikes and storing the power for itself.

Plush Pokemon
Sewadillo’s cushy shell provides a surprisingly good protection from its predators. Because its so cushy, however, it often picks up forest debris.
Evolves into Glyptoquilt at level 30

Plush Pokemon
Glyptoquilt collects sharp objects, sticking them into the dense fur of its tail to create a formidable weapon. Its thick hide is almost impenetrable.

Eye Pokemon
Sclerva’s eyes are big enough to absorb psychic waves. Unfortunately its brain isn’t developed enough to process them.
Evolves into Pupalil at level 10

Eye Pokemon
Pupalil encases itself in the psychic energy it took in as a Sclerva. It closes its eyes and shuts itself off from sensing anything outside its bubble.
Evolves into Optikalli at level 16

Eye Pokemon
The fossil record shows that Optikalli predates other similar Bug-type Pokemon. With its eye spots its able to emit devastating psychic attacks.

Early Bird Pokemon
Archen’s feathers help it to blend into the dark forests it lives in. Although it cannot fly, its gliding abilities are very adept.
Evolves into Archeops at level 37

Early Bird Pokemon
Archeops are powerful fliers, and often come out at night to pick on weaker Pokemon around it—even including younger Archen.

Ice Horn Pokemon
Rhyhorn’s furry hide protects it from the bitter cold. The ice its horn is made from is as hard and tough as rock.
Evolves into Rhydon at level 42

Ice Horn Pokemon
Depictions of ancient Rhydon can be found in cave paintings, showing how ancient humans would hunt them.
Evolves into Rhytherium at level 55

Ice Horn Pokemon
Rhytherium are solitary, and very territorial. A meeting of two Rhytherium must always result in one as the victor.

Dual Fighting Pokemon
A longstanding feud between two Pokemon eventually led them to combine forever in Velocerate. The two heads still do not get along.

Jaw Pokemon
The technology of the Lapeo region was able to resurrect a more accurate Aerodactyl. Its aggressive nature, however, was the same.

Amphibian Pokemon
One of Eevee’s earliest ancestors. Paleon uses its gills to communicate with its own kind.
Evolves from Eevee using the Devolution Machine

Reptilian Pokemon
An ancient offshoot of Eevee’s ancestors. Meseon is an active, speedy hunter, using its tough claws to dig burrows.
Evolves from Eevee using the Devolution Machine

Mammalian Pokemon
A recent ancestor of Eevee. Ceneon is an apex predator, with a powerful bite. They live together in clans.
Evolves from Eevee using the Devolution Machine

Tunnelling Pokemon
Diggoroth’s calm demeanour may make it seem lazy, but it spends most of its days digging giant burrows for its home.
Evolves from Slakoth with a Mud Stone

Diver Pokemon
Thalasskoth are strong swimmers, though they spend most of their time walking along the sea floor, eating whatever aquatic plants they find.
Evolves from Slakoth with a Water Stone

Twist Pokemon
The ever tangled bodies of Helixugenia have confounded experts ever since its discovery. It’s hard to tell which end is the head.

Song Pokemon
Saurophonic have different appearances depending on the pitch of its song. Together they can create beautiful harmonies.
Scroll the image to see all forms!

Tadpole Pokemon
Tademon are mischievous little things that cause havoc wherever they go. Its skin secretes a venom that’s hot to the touch.
Evolves into Toadevil at level 25

Large Frog Pokemon
Toadevil are brutes, eating anything that fits into its mouth. Any burns from its tongue are almost impossible to heal.

Fuel Pokemon
Troal have a little furnace that burns in its body, giving it ample amounts of energy to run for days.
Evolves into Carbonferno at level 33

Fuel Pokemon
Carbonferno consumes rotten debris from the forest to fuel its internal flame. The tree on its back cancels out the pollution from this process.

Lost Fossil Pokemon
You can find Forgossil haunting around dig sites, forged from the forgotten souls of creatures that never had a chance to fossilize.
Evolves into Phantaxon at level 45 with a party full of other Forgossil

Lost Fossil Pokemon
Phantaxon form when multiple Forgossil combine, creating an amalgamation of creatures, resentful for being forever lost to time.

Old Shrimp Pokemon
Anorith use it long mouth appendage to grab and manipulate its prey, while also spraying a poisonous gas.
Evolves into Armaldo at level 40

Mask Pokemon
Armaldo hunt by filling the waters with a toxic gas, which is able to filter out with its long snout. Its arms can deliver a strong pinch.

Root Pokemon
Eleptic uses its long tail to root itself into the ground, gathering energy. Its large cheek pouches convert this energy into electricity.

Spire Pokemon
Omaspire travel in herds, drifting with their great masses through the ocean. They will spin their spiked shells when threatened.
Evolves from Omastar with a Spire Shell

Grazing Pokemon
Chalicoy mostly keeps to itself, but will strike anything it deems a threat. It walks on its knuckles to avoid dulling its claws.
Evolves into Gladithere at level 42

Showman Pokemon
Gladithere love sparring with each other, so much so that it will often draw the attention of wild Pokemon all around to watch the spectacle.

Baby Pokemon
A young specimen of an Electric Pokemon. No adults have ever been found. It’s light and fast.
Evolves into either Dracozolt or Arctozolt when combined

Baby Pokemon
A young specimen of a Water Pokemon. No adults have ever been found. It has a strong bite.
Evolves into either Arctovish or Dracovish when combined

Baby Pokemon
A young specimen of a Dragon Pokemon. No adults have ever been found. It has a strong spiny tail.
Evolves into either Dracozolt or Dracovish when combined

Baby Pokemon
A young specimen of an Ice Pokemon. No adults have ever been found. It has flippers to swim in the Arctic sea.
Evolves into either Arctovish or Arctozolt when combined

Volcanic Soil Pokemon
A species related to Amaura. Basaura are born in great clutches together, buried deep in the earth. This fuses into them as they grow, hardening their scales.
Evolves into Basaurus at level 39

Volcanic Soil Pokemon
A species related to Aurorus. Basaurus are tough, using their rocky fused spines to ward off enemies, and also push down trees in their way.

Royal Heir Pokemon
A species related to Tyrunt. It uses its thick coat of feathers to shield itself from its cold environment.
Evolves into Yutyrantrum at level 39

Despot Pokemon
A species related to Tyrantrum. Called the King of the Ice, very few dare challenge its rule over its mountain home.

Long Neck Pokemon
Poddlet are generally docile Pokemon that stick together. Their spikes produce a weak charge.
Evolves into Brontovolt at level 37

Long Neck Pokemon
Brontovolt’s spikes act as a conductor for lightning during storms. Once they’ve gathered enough power they can keep a charge for months.
Evolves into Dredbolt at level 49

Titan Pokemon
Dredbolt are some of the largest Pokemon to walk the earth. It delivers crushing attacks by smashing its neck into opponents.

Mantle Pokemon
The plates on Mankylo’s body are ever shifting due to the molten nature of its body. Its eyes are thought to be heavily condensed gemstones.

Magnetic Pokemon
The long pointed beak of Compazdarc is always pointed north. The rotation of its wings is said to create the earth’s magnetic field.

Core Pokemon
Icthyore is always turning, and is said to be lying deep in the centre of the earth. Its body burns as hot as the sun.

Extinction Pokemon
The ghostly form of a meteorite from long ago that brought the extinction to all Pokemon on Lapeo. It was accidentally brought to life by Team Rocket.

Chordate Pokemon
Vertebraia is an ancient, basal Pokemon. In deep waters its exterior becomes invisible, with only its backbone glowing in the darkness.