Tag: webcomic

  • Paint the Town Red is 5 Years Old

    Paint the Town Red is 5 Years Old

    I suppose it is. In February 2019, my partner and I launched a successful campaign to fund the first printing of Paint the Town Red (Volume 1). It wasn’t complete until a few months later, but I feel like this is a good start date for it, as PTTR isn’t like a webcomic that was…

    Click or not: Paint the Town Red is 5 Years Old
  • The Sanity Circus: 8 Years Later

    The Sanity Circus: 8 Years Later

    May 22, 2022, marks the eighth birthday of my webcomic, the Sanity Circus (or as I like to just call SanCirc). EIGHT whole years. I never imagined myself working on the same project for eight years, and I remember distinctly being baffled by manga creators, who inspired me in my teens, that would work on…

    Click or not: The Sanity Circus: 8 Years Later
  • The Sanity Circus

    The Sanity Circus

    The Sanity Circus (often shortened to SanCirc) is my webcomic that has been running since 2014. It follows the girl Attley, and her friends Fletch, Steven, Posey and Nimbus as they explore the bizarre city of Sanity, where monsters lie in wait, circuses are magical, and instruments become people. The comic is rated about 13+…

    Click or not: The Sanity Circus
  • Paint the Town Red

    Paint the Town Red

    Paint the Town Red is a longform comic series, in collaboration with my partner, Winter Jay Kiakas. It’s a supernatural comic that follows a handful of vampires and werewolves, as they navigate their lives together and delve into each other’s pasts–as well as the past of the town itself. There’s plenty of kissing, dating, blood…

    Click or not: Paint the Town Red
  • Augustine


    Augustine is a collaborative comic I’m making with Winter Jay Kiakas. It’s an action-packed story following a ragtag group of friends in a junk-punk Greek Myth inspired world, as they trifle with ancient legends, bounty hunters, and the struggle to define yourself in a world that rejects you. The comic is rated 13+ (swearing, violence,…

    Click or not: Augustine
  • From Hell’s Heart

    From Hell’s Heart

    From Hell’s Heart is a story in progress about Lucy, a one-armed former captain, and Bonnie, a monstrous werewhale, and their tumultuous relationship. What would you do if the sea fell in love with you? What if the sea was a giant monster, a whale that perhaps also may be human? Lucy Moore has to…

    Click or not: From Hell’s Heart