So… you wanna learn about me? Well–fine. Here you go!

What programs do you use to draw?

Currently my main programs are Clip Studio and Procreate, and I do all my drawing on an iPad. Most of my actual drawing and sketching happens in Procreate, and final touches like colour and lettering (for comics) are done in Clip. In the past I used FireAlpaca (it’s free and pretty good!).

When did you start drawing?

I have the age-old answer of: since forever. More than that, I was drawing stories before I could even write properly; my parents would get small paper notepads and I would draw a “panel” on each page. I just had to draw stories, I couldn’t be contained!!

When did you start making comics?

Now that’s a harder question. I mean, I was making “comics” from a young age, but when it comes to actual comics, I started making them in my teens. I ran some webcomics and participated in some OCTs and other art competition groups on deviantArt, but they were one-offs or didn’t get far. My first serious webcomic ended up being The Sanity Circus when I was 19, and from there comics became my big focus.

Did you go to school for art?

Nope, all self-taught. I actually went to school for music (I played the flute) but that didn’t pan out, and now I’m here.

Why dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs are cool. I grew up in Alberta, Canada, and visited the Royal Tyrrell Museum often, so it started when I was young. Then I started finding out all the cool new information and feathery reconstructions of them later on, and it sucked me right back in.


… Dinosaur?

No, I can’t choose!! (Yutyrannus and Microraptor, maybe…)


Pokemon Legends Arceus


Tim Horton’s Ice Capps


Amadeus, Kung Fu Panda 2, The Devil Wears Prada